VZWEL - Profile

Websiteartstation.com/vzwelMedium3D Digital
Follow the ArtistInstagramEmailcontact.vzewl@gmail.com

About the artist

VZWEL is a self-taught creative that has always prioritized exploring an idea. I absolutely love creativity. It doesn’t matter what it is, if someone is saying something in an interesting way he’s all about it. 3D Digital art is his main tool of choice, but photography and cinematography are heavy influences for him as well. “I create because I have to, not always because I want to”. 

VZWEL is the 2nd prize winner of the Digital Art Award, Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize 2024

Artwork Themes & Subject Matter

VZWEL uses his work as a way to express himself and to test his creative ideas outside of his own mind. He tends to focus on intimate, personal portraits. He thinks this allows him to really understand them his feelings and to try and find an interesting way to portray that. VZWEL’s work is usually on the darker side. He thinks the dark is more interesting. “It tends to provoke a stronger need for problem solving and sometimes merely thinking about solutions can temporarily feel like enough”.


VZWEL created a cover variant for Dynamite Comics “Vampirella Year One #1” comic book.

Upcoming Exhibitions

Group exhibition: “Paracosmic Escape”
curated by Beautiful Bizarre and art direction of Musonium Gallery
Modern Eden Gallery
San Francisco, CA. USA
VZWEL - Figurative Digital Art - 3
VZWEL - Figurative Digital Art - 9
VZWEL - Figurative Digital Art - 7
VZWEL - Figurative Digital Art - 2

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