ArtistKathryn “Ka” JuneResidesUnited States
Websiteserpentfeathers.comMediumDigital Art
Oil paint
Mixed media
Print[email protected]
Follow the ArtistFacebook | InstagramThemesFigurative
Spiritual Symbology
Divine feminine
Wild Woman
Space and starscapes
Raw emotions and love
Plant medicine
Sacred Geometry

About the artist

Kathryn “Ka” June is a painter, costume designer, and performing artist raised in West Texas, now based in Asheville, NC. Primarily self-taught, Ka draws deeply from her background in the healing arts, weaving themes of nature, spirituality, and beauty into every aspect of her craft.

Her work has been exhibited and performed globally, featured in renowned publications, and celebrated for its evocative, other-worldly power. Since 2017, Ka has worked out of her studio gallery in the Cotton Mill Studios of Asheville’s vibrant River Arts District.

“My art celebrates the beauty I experience in this world and seeks to open hearts and enrich the lives of those who encounter it.”

Artwork Themes & Subject Matter

Kathryn “Ka” June’s creations explore a rich tapestry of themes, including Divinity, raw emotion, healing, animal wisdom, feminine power, spiritual experiences, sacred geometry, and the interconnectedness of all life.

Earlier works prominently featured animals, particularly birds, as symbols of spiritual connection and wisdom. Her performances often reflect this imagery, transforming her into a winged being, part angel, part bird, part woman, adorned in elaborate headdresses and regalia she crafts for ritual dance and performance art.

In her more recent series, Ka delves into deeply personal narratives, transmuting the pain of heartbreak into themes of resilience and self-empowerment. These works blend human and animal forms to tell stories of healing, strength, and transformation. Her latest paintings invite viewers to experience the serenity of meditation and the spaciousness of the mind and soul.


Kathryn “Ka” June’s works have been featured in notable magazines and online sources including “The Essence of Life” photo and video project, Free Spirit Project, CoSM Blog, Rolling Stone, Dark Beauty Magazine, Mirror Magazine, Sequoia Emmanuelle, Darren Minke, “Alchemistas – Beyond the Veil”, Niema LIghtseed, “Cosmonautica – Broken Open Heart Songs”, CoSM Journal of Visionary Culture, Niema Lightseed, “Cosmonautica – Graphic Love Songs to God”, Paris Vogue Magazine, Taylor Maiden Space, “Mother of Marrow, US Elle Magazine.




Still life series at Sadie Valerie atelier in San Francisco, CA. United States

Selected Solo Exhibitions


Honey From the Wound, Bottle Riot, Asheville, NC. United States

 I Think I Need Some Space, Serpentfeathers Gallery, Asheville, NC. United States


Honey From the Wound, Serpentfeathers Gallery, Asheville, NC. United States


Resonate, YMI building, Asheville, NC. United States


For the Love of Beauty, Innerstellar Studio and Gallery, Berkeley, CA. United States

Selected Group Exhibitions


River Arts District Festival, Asheville, NC. United States

Famtastic Festival, Mills River, NC. United States


A Leo Family Affair, Mills River, NC. United States


Solasta Festival, Mills River, NC. United States


No Spectators, Oakland Museum of California, Oakland, CA. United States

 LEAF Festival, Black Mountain, NC. United States


No Spectators, Renwick Gallery, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, D.C. United States

Interconnected, Asheville Area Arts Council, Asheville, NC. United States


Awakened Women’s Convergence, Tuscon, AZ. United States

LEAF Festival, Black Mountain, NC. United States

Oregon Eclipse, Symbiosis Festival, OR. United States

ongoing exhibition, ZaPow Gallery, Asheville, NC. United States

Devoted, The Block, Asheville, NC. United States


Slide presentation, Van Weldenculturen Museum, Amsterdam

Unifier, Altamont Theatre, Asheville NC. United States

Sonic, Bloom Festival Gallery, Denver, CO. United States

LEAF festival, Black Mountain, NC. United States


Beloved, Festival Gallery, OR. United States

Dreams and Divinities, Garden of Fernal Delights, San Francisco, CA. United States

Bicycle Day, Warfield Theatre, San Francisco, CA. United States

Kathryn June - Costume Design - 2
Kathryn June - Figurative Painting - 2
Kathryn June - Costume Design - 4

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