Exhibition Dates:

26 April – 31 May, 2025


 Corey Helford Gallery, Los Angeles, California, United States

Corey Helford Gallery

Dreamland Awaits


Dreamland Awaits is Beautiful Bizarre Magazine’s 19th international curated exhibition, and our second in partnership with prestigious Los Angeles gallery, Corey Helford Gallery.

This exhibition brings together over 100 of the world’s best two and three dimensional artists, each exploring the Dreamland Awaits theme through the lens of their unique lived experience and artistic styles. While at the same time bringing the pages of Beautiful Bizarre art magazine to life!

Exhibiting Members:

Alex Garant, Alexandra Manukyan, Annie Stegg Gerard, Gina Matarazzo, Haejin Yoo [2nd prize winner RAYMAR Traditional Art Award, Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize 2024], Jacqueline Butterworth, Jon Ching [3rd prize winner RAYMAR Traditional Art Award, Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize 2024], Nadine Tralala [1st prize winner 33PA Emerging Artist Award, Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize 2024], Lesley Thiel, Nicomi Nix Turner, Ornélie [2nd Prize winner Yasha Young Projects Sculpture Award, Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize 2024].

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