Exhibition Dates:

April 5 – 30 2025


Curio Art Gallery, Portugal (online)

Curio Art Gallery, Portugal (online)

FAYBEL (ELLIE NESBITT) in group exhibition, ‘Penumbra 10 Year Anniversary Dark Art Show’


A 10 year anniversary celebration and online event that includes all mediums, where FAYBEL’s digital painting “Gilded Letters” from her romantasy Timbretock will be in show as a 1 of 1 original giclée. Going back to Curio Art Gallery’s roots, this month’s exhibition is dedicated to the realm of deliciously dark art. Curio, founded in 2015 by Helena Reis and her husband, exhibits emerging and established artists with a focus on pop surrealism and new contemporary genres, original paintings and art dolls.

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