Pigment ink
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Other Worlds

About the artist

NaBo’s artistic evolution feels much like the ocean currents: never the same, always changing, yet having a certain recognizable pattern (then changing that pattern over a longer period of time).

“My art practice has been an ongoing exploration of what it means to be part of this mysterious, wonderful, awe-inspiring world”.

As an academically trained linguist and intercultural specialist, his intrinsically view everything he soak up from the world, from multiple perspectives. This lends a distinct complexity to his ink drawings, and an unusual angle in his photography.

As a freediver and an outdoors explorer, NaBo feel at home in many non-human places. “Through my art I attempt to bring all those Impressions together in a form that is blissfully free from the rigidity and over-precision of human language”. 

NaBo find multiple perspectives – or they find him – to explore any given subject and without fail, once he gives it form, be it on paper or any other medium, it reveals its beauty, leading to the only possible door – love. It is his hope and motivation that whoever is moved by his art, can feel the presence of the global love.

Finding and expressing the links between echoing patterns across life forms and natural phenomena, is one of the key elements in his work. NaBo’s drive and hope here is that through his art, people can experience the sense of awe, trepidation, and marvel – at the world around us, and feel the grit and the undeniable magic of the stardust that everything, including us, is made from.

NaBo has created works in photography, drawing, painting, sculpture, poetry, and mixing those together. One thing remains consistent, and that is dedication to the best possible solution in sustainable and environmentally conscious way of producing art. This has led him to making some of his own inks and pigments. 

Artwork Themes & Subject Matter

Natural world and its foundational principles of interconnectedness and reciprocity. 

Cyclical nature of Life on Earth, repeated patterns across species, the dichotomy of the Life-Death-Rebirth, the Infinity Loop of Beginning-End, embedded in the DNA-shaped spiral of Time. The never-ending beauty of it all.

When we find beauty, we find love. Love, to me, towards anything and everything is the awareness and appreciation of the beauty: from slimy slugs to the tiniest pebble and its relative, the great mountain, to the misshapen feathers and broken bones, to how the leaves dance and sing in the wind, to the smell of the low tide, to how the grains of sand feel between the fingers, I can go on. Through my art I attempt to express a tiniest fraction of that understanding of beauty and love, and how we are all connected. I hope it might inspire viewers to experience their own connectedness and appreciation of beauty in its most broad and most concrete sense, and therefore a greater potential to love.

Prolific Norse mythology and folk tales characters as representatives of the natural world and the many relationships within it.

Mythology and folklore figures as representatives of deeper connection to the non-human world and as such a cultural identity of a nation / people. 


Selected Solo Exhibitions


Other Worlds, Kokko Coffee Roasters, Stavanger, Norway


Surroundings, Trade Restaurant (permanent installation), Boston, MA. United States

Selected Group Exhibitions


That Which Surrounds Us, Arts Benicia, Benicia, CA. United States


Habitat, 6 Bridges Gallery, Maynard, MA. United States


New Visions, Boston Society for Architecture, Boston, MA. United States

NaBo - Landscape Painting -1
NaBo - Animal Painting -8
NaBo - Animal Painting -4
NaBo - Animal Painting -11

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