ArtistFAYBEL (Ellie Nesbitt)ResidesCanada
Websitefaybelarts.comMediumDigital Painting
(limited – edition)
Email[email protected]
Follow the ArtistInstagram | Facebook | Twitter | CaraThemesOriginal Fairytales & Folklore
Pop Surrealism
Imaginative Realism
Dark Fantasy
Big Eyes
Detailed Textures & Sensory Experiences
Curious Creatures
Expressive Women
Vibrant Face Paint & Intricate Ornamentation
Nature & Floral Motifs

About the artist

FAYBEL (Ellie Nesbitt) is a self-taught digital painter, gallery and cover artist. She currently resides in the Great Lakes lowlands of Ontario, Canada. 

Her digital paintings are sensory symphonies: textures distilled from acute tactile experiences and melodious memories, extrapolations of her heightened-sensory life on the autism spectrum. 

FAYBEL’s digital portraits feature compelling expressive eyes, at times quite large, with surrealist flare. Her painted works derive from tales that sing of peoples and creatures from uncanny realms and misbegotten places. From a collection of original narratives, she laces her fantastical characters with careful brushwork into digital colour spaces.

Addled by severe osteoporosis and multiple compression fractures, Ellie uses the digital medium for meditative and expressive release. In the supine position, she paints with a suspended monitor, engaging steadfastly with those who enjoy her creations and follow her journey on social media (Instagram). 

FAYBEL have brought together a group of professional digital painters for gallery exhibitions around the world. They have already made tremendous progress and plan to begin showings as early as 2026. Many of the group’s members are part of or have been a part of your Beautiful Bizarre Artist Directory in the past: Garis Edelweiss, Farnoosh Aryan and Sara Lee. Beautiful Bizarre’s art prize and directory—along with Marvelous Art Group in the case of Farnoosh—is how she discovered several of our members. There are currently eight of them in total, including Tero Porthan, Eli Birdie, Damjian Gjorgievski and Justine Florentino. “Our entire team is thankful beyond words to Beautiful Bizarre! It is my personal intent to expand our initiative into a collective/association for helping digital artists with entering the gallery world. Digital painters, along with other artist subtypes in our medium, are being excluded from galleries and the realm of fine art significantly at this time: the group of us, whom I have organized and directed during our preliminary phases, are working hard to help change the negative narrative towards our medium”.

Artwork Themes & Subject Matter

Big expressive eyes introduce the viewer to the dynamic personalities of FAYBEL’s (Ellie Nesbitt) fairytale characters, while detailed textures evoke sensory experiences beyond the visual form.

Nature and floral motifs, colourful face-paint and intricate ornamentation are infused with vibrant palettes with fervent reference to mythology and folkloric elements.

Original fairytales with notes of strange sci-fi to the dark fantastical are underpinned with characters, intricate magical objects and curious creature companions in artist FAYBEL’s (Ellie Nesbitt) digital portrait works. Whether from the tale of an animate undercity dwelling rag doll and her suspect baking overlord or the narrative of an android princess from a realm interred in the gullet of a sleeping kaiju-like monster, these uncanny paintings are a glimpse into themes of friendship, devotion and endurance in FAYBEL’s (Ellie Nesbitt) collection of unpublished original fiction narratives expressed through contemporary, (pop) surreal, imaginative realism and (dark) fantasy art styles.


FAYBEL’s (Ellie Nesbitt) works have been published in notable magazines, books and online sources including Infected by Art Book Vol. 11, Beautiful Bizarre Magazine, 365 Art + Magazine, Marvelous Art Magazine, Marvelous Art’s Top 50 Artists to Watch in 2022 & 2023, Bourbon Penn Issue 28 and Infected by Art Book Vol. 10. She will be in an upcoming full editorial with PEPPER Magazine, in High Art’s 2024 Art Book and is acting as chief editor and cover artist of an upcoming TOKOSHU B specialty issue of 365 Art + Magazine in Japan, “Art of the Phoenix: Path to the Inner Self”.

Upcoming Exhibitions

Group Exhibition: “Valentine’s Market”The Gallery
St. Catharines, ON. Canada
Group Exhibition: “The Mystical Market”The Gallery
St. Catharines, ON. Canada
Group Exhibition: “Penumbra 10 Year Anniversary Dark Art Show”Curio Art Gallery
Portugal (Online)
Group Exhibition: “Wild Card”Nanny Goat Gallery
Petaluma, CA. USA
Solo Exhibition: “FAYBEL”Mahtay Café & Lounge
St. Catharines, ON. Canada


Awards and Acknowledgements


Submission Sunday: Beautiful Bizarre social media for “Tulips of Jimena”

Featured Entry: Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize for “Timbretock”

Longlist Painting & Drawing: Women United Art Prize for “Mono no aware”

Top 150 Finalist: High Art Contest for “Blue Porcelain”


Longlist Digital Art: Women United Art Prize for “Rhiannon & the Skylark”

Featured Entry: Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize for “Kiu”

Selected for Inclusion: Infected by Art 11 for “Little Wolf”


Inspirational Entry: Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize for “The Covenant of the Rose”

Selected for Inclusion: Infected by Art 10 for “The Dream Keeper”

Selected Solo Exhibition


Weird Tales, Curio Art Gallery, Portugal (Online)

Selected Group Exhibitions


Deck the Halls, The Exchange, Niagara Falls, ON. Canada

Good and Evil, Nanny Goat Gallery, Petaluma, CA. United States

Memoir, Curio Art Gallery, Portugal (Online)

Stronger Together, Women United Art Movement, Online

Ephemeral, Nanny Goat Gallery, Petaluma, CA. United States

Niagara Falls Night of Art, The Exchange, Niagara Falls, ON. Canada

Tenebrosa Deliciae: Art Festival of Love, Marvelous Art Group, Online


Small Works Show, Curio Art Gallery, Portugal (Online)

The Concept Art Association’s First Gallery Show Science Fiction & Fantasy, Gallery Nucleus, Alhambra, CA. United States.

Faybel - Figurative Digital Art - 20
Faybel - Figurative Digital Art - 20

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